Page 128 - Welcome to Posture Pro
P. 128

Dominant Senses of Communication

We all have a dominant sense with which                            Tastes funny to me
we like to receive information from our                                Just does not smell right
world. For example, the vast majority of
people are visually dominant. So much so I see what you mean             That sounds about right
they provide a hint with the language they
use. “I see what you mean”. Even to the
extreme of saying “I see what you are say-
ing” instead of “I hear what you are say-
ing.” (Hearing dominant)

Others are, “I feel you are right.” (Touch)
and, have you ever met a person that must
smell everything they touch (Smell).

Education must be tailored to the learning

preference of that patient.                  I feel you are right

But by far, visual dominance is the most
common input preference.

Universal Awareness Words

In communicating with patients, it is important to speak in a language that is instantly under-
stood. It’s important for the patient to understand your diagnosis and recommendations and
to be able to explain to a significant other (who often controls the purse strings).

This can be a challenge with some health care professions. But there is an elegant solution
when dealing with a musculoskeletal patient.
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