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5/29/2016 Clinical methods for quantifying body segment posture: a literature review Disability and Rehabilitation Volume 33, Issue 5
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Carole Fortin*a, Debbie Ehrmann Feldmanb, Farida Cherietc & Hubert Labelled
pages 367383
Publishing models and article dates explained
Accepted: 1 May 2010
Published online: 30 Jul 2011
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Purpose. Clinicians commonly assess posture in persons with musculoskeletal disorders and tend to do
so subjectively. Evidencebased practice requires the use of valid, reliable and sensitive tools to monitor
treatment effectiveness. The purpose of this article was to determine which methods were used to assess
posture quantitatively in a clinical setting and to identify psychometric properties of posture indices
measured from these methods or tools.
Methods. We conducted a comprehensive literature review. Pertinent databases were used to search for
articles on quantitative clinical assessment of posture. Searching keywords were related to posture and
assessment, scoliosis, back pain, reliability, validity and different body segments.
Results. We identified 65 articles with angle and distance posture indices that corresponded to our
search criteria. Several studies showed good intra and interrater reliability for measurements taken
directly on the persons (e.g., goniometer, inclinometer, flexible curve and tape measurement) or from
photographs, but the validity of these measurements was not always demonstrated.
Conclusion. Taking measurements of all body angles directly on the person is a lengthy process and
may affect the reliability of the measurements. Measurement of body angles from photographs may be
the most accurate and rapid way to assess global posture quantitatively in a clinical setting.
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