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3/22/2016 Methods of Postural Assessment Used for Sports Persons
authors of this study had concluded that most of the angular measurements which were proposed by SAPO
protocol were reliable for measuring various postural asymmetries. They also advised that caution should be
excised when nonacceptable and nonreliable angles were used for the quantification of posture. ICC values of
0.890.99 for interrater reliability were obtained in another research study which was done for the evaluation of
craniocervical posture [15]. Intrarater reliability of this method too was found to be excellent (ICC= 0.980.99)
[15], which suggested that repeated measurements made by the same rater had very well accorded with each other.
Variety of other methods exist, such as “posturometer”, which is an electronic measuringdiagnostic device,
“flexiruler”, which can be moulded according to the curvatures of the spine, Moiré topography, which creates
certain contour lines on the body and electromagnetic tracking devices for 3dimensional analysis of posture.
However, 3dimensional methods are costly and not ubiquitous.
Greenfield et al., had used a flexiruler to measure the midthoracic curvature. The flexiruler, after being placed on
the spine, such that its tip was at T2 vertebral spinous process and it was marked at T12 level, was placed on a
paper, so as to trace its curve. The height (h) and length (l) of the curve were measured by using a ruler and
midthoracic curvature was found out by using the formula: ø= 4 X [arctan (2X h/l)]. These authors had even
reported that the ICC values for intrarater reliability and interrater reliability were 0.84 and 0.70, respectively. A
flexiruler can only be used to measure the spinal curvatures [18].
Lichota et al., [19] examined the postures of 46 athletes who were aged 2024 years, who belonged to different
sports groups. A total of four groups were identified, namely: handball (n=16), athletics (n=9), taekwondo (n=5)
and volleyball (n=13). “PoturometerS” was employed to measure the various angles of the spine. Lumbar lordosis
was found to be less common than thoracic kyphosis amongst all 43 subjects. The highest values for α angle, β
angle and γ angle were reported in volleyball (15.2°), athletics (12.6°) and taekwondo (14.0°) groups, respectively.
The lowest values for α angle, β angle and γ angle were observed in athletics (12.4°), handball (8.8°) and handball
(8.0°) groups, respectively. Authors contended that posture was affected by sports training and that the type of sport
influenced the type of posture. A posturometer is not readily available and it requires a thorough understanding
before it can be used. Scapular positions of competitive tennis players (n=13), competitive volleyball players (n=15)
and collegiate baseball pitchers (n=15) [20] were assessed by using an electromagnetic tracking device. All of the
subjects were healthy males. Receivers were attached onto the C7 spinous process, right and left acromion
processes and right and left midshaft of posterior humerus by using doublesided adhesive disks. The stylus also
had one receiver which was attached to it. Digitization acted as a means for estimating scapular position by using
the local coordinates. Subjects were asked to perform shoulder elevation, bilaterally, in the scapular plane, ten times
in a continuous fashion. Scapular posture was assessed when the arms rested at the sides. Scapulae of dominant
sides were found to be more anteriorly tilted and internally rotated than those of the non dominant sides. Tennis
players also demonstrated increased protraction at the dominant side. This supports the concept that different types
of sports influence the posture in different ways. This study also highlighted the importance of doing posture
evaluations before and after injury.
Moiré topography [21] was used in a research study which was done by Uetake et al., 380 female subjects who
were aged 21.8±4.0 years were divided into eleven groups, namely: soccer, swimming, rugby, kendo, sprinting,
throwing, sailing, jumping, body building, distance running and nonathletes. Sports players possessed an
experience of 4 to 17 years in their respective fields. Anatomical landmarks that were marked prior to taking the
photographs were a point of cervical prominence and the point where a line which joined the highest points of the
iliac crests intersected the vertebral column. Moire apparatus consisted of a light, a camera and a grid. 3mm contour
lines were generated by this apparatus. This method has been reported to be noninvasive, safe and noncontacting.
Sshape of the curvature which was obtained with the use of this method, comprised of lumbar and thoracic curves.
Deep Sshaped curvatures were found in distance runners, sprinters, throwers, kendo participants and jumpers,
while shallow curvatures were found in nonathletes, bodybuilders, swimmers and sailors. 5/7