Page 121 - Welcome to Posture Pro
P. 121

Good Posture Primer

                      For the purpose of this article, the focus will
                      be on postural alignment from the side.
                      Normal, neutral posture is present when a
                      plumb line passes through five anatomical
                      landmarks: Center of the ear, center of the
                      shoulder, greater trochanter, center of the
                      knee and just in front of the ankle. This is
                      illustrated in the picture on the left. No- tice
                      how straight the black plumb line is.

                      The most common abnormal posture profile is
                      illustrated on the right. The head sits forward
                      of the shoulders, the upper back has drifted
                      backward and the pelvis has tipped forward.
                      This is commonly known as Forward Head
                      Posture (FHP). Notice the straight plumb line
                      we expect to see in good posture now has a
                      substantial curve in FHP.
                      It’s been estimated that over 80% of the
general population has varying degrees of FHP.

While developing a new posture exams, the author placed a
typical middle school youth in front of the grid and asked the
youth to send out a text. It was discovered that the head was
placed in a position 4.5” in front of the shoulders and placed
the shoulder joints in internal rotation. The typical youth can
text up to 30 hours per month.

Combined with other technology and social stressors, today’s
youth is at a greater risk for “molded” forward head posture than
any past generation. Considering the important immediate and
future health ramifications of poor posture, accurate posture
exams and counseling should immediately be available to every
school district in the Country.

                                              The Solution

                                        Twenty years ago the author developed a fast, portable and
                                        accurate postural exam and a postural correction program designed
                                        to reverse forward head posture changes in about six weeks.

                                  The exam – Calculate the Posture Number®
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