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417Craniocervical posture: cephalometric and biophotogrammetric analysis
individual body segments. Such measures can be viewed surgical procedures and/or neck, and a previous diagnosis
and interpreted in digital photographic records. With the of cervical disc herniation.
advancement of technology is considered the most requested
method by professionals who perform postural assessment, Biophotogrammetric evaluation
both for investigative slant as to aid in the clinical diagnosis
and in the therapeutic approach4. Moreover, the great The posture of the head and of the cervical spine was
advantage of biophotogrammetry is to allow changes in evaluated by means of digital photograph, with
craniocervical posture to be quantified and small changes to biophotogrammetric analysis by the postural assessment
be detected5. software (SAPO®). Pictures were taken in standing position
in right lateral view.
Currently, the most accurate craniocervical postural
analysis method is the cephalometry, in which it is used the Anatomic points were marked in the subject’s body with
lateral radiograph of the skull and of the cervical spine to white Styrofoam balls wrapped in reflective tape and
perform cephalometric measurements. By means of the previously prepared with double-sided tape for attachment
radiography, it is possible a more objective visualization of to the skin. During the image acquisition, the volunteers
the craniocervicomandibular structures, without the influence were oriented to keep the usual body posture with opened
of soft tissues, as occurs in the biophotogrammetry1. However, eyes glancing to the horizon line.
cephalometric analysis has little impact on clinical practice
because the limitation of its applicability is related to high The participants with suitable clothing, hair tied back
costs and technique complexity6. and barefoot were photographed in a scenario constituted
by a black background of 3x1.5 meters, a plumb line
Recent studies have sought to investigate the correlation suspended in the roof beside the volunteer, a base with
between measurements of posture, obtained by biophoto- 10x40x20 centimeters of dimensions with the foot outline
grammetry and by visual analysis3,5. On the other hand, there drawn in a rubber rug. A tripod (Vanguard® - VT 131) was
are few studies investigating the correlation between the positioned at a distance of, at least, 3 meters from the digital
findings obtained by the biophotogrammetric and camera (Sony® Cybershot 7.2 megapixels) and in a 1.20 meter
cephalometric analyses. height from the floor. In order to reproduce the natural
position of the head, the individual was instructed to look
Considering the increasing number of studies using the at the reflection of his eyes in a mirror positioned at one
biophotogrammetric analysis, because of the easy access to meter of distance7-10.
it in the clinical practice, it is necessary to develop studies
to verify the agreement of the photographic method of the Four variables related to the craniocervical posture were
postural analysis with the radiographic method, which is more evaluated (Figure 1). Three angles measured the position of
objective, but more expensive and with the individual’s the head, being two related to the forward head posture: A1
exposure to radiation. In other words, are biophotogrammetric - angle formed between the tragus, spinous process of the
measures related to head posture and does the cervical spine seventh cervical vertebra (vertex) with the horizontal11-12 and
reflect the postural changes observed in the cephalometric A2 - angle formed between the external acoustic meatus
analysis? (vertex), chin and sternal notch12. The third angle was related
to the flexion-extension head position (FE) and it was formed
For its interdisciplinary approach, it is believed that by the points marked in the spinous process of the seventh
this research is of interest to dentists, physical therapists, cervical vertebra, tragus (vertex) and palpebral commissure11.
speech therapists and other professionals since it may assist The smaller the A1 angle and the greater the A2 angle, the
them in the reflection of their clinical practice and in the more forward the head. Regarding the FE, the greater the
context of scientific research. angle, the greater the hyperextension of the head on the
upper cervical spine.
Material and methods
The curvature of the cervical spine was measured by
Eighty women with mean age of 23.8 ± 3.65 years (19- the horizontal distance from a vertical line tangent, by the
35 years) and BMI of 22.4 ± 3.83 kg/cm2 recruited apex of the thoracic kyphosis, called as thoracic plan, and
voluntarily through the print media participated in this study. by the point of the apex of the cervical concavity13.
This research project was approved by the Ethics With a one-week interval, the images of 20 individuals
Committee in Health Research under the number were randomly assigned to a second analysis of the variables
0048.0.243.000-08, recognized by the National Research to verify the intra-examiner reliability of the measurements.
Ethics (CONEP). All individuals who participated in the study
were included by accepting and signing a free informed Cephalometric evaluation
consent form.
Subjects underwent a right lateral radiograph of the skull
The exclusion criteria of the study were: history of facial and of the cervical spine in a normal standing position, thus
and/or craniocervical trauma, presence of acute and severe preserving the true resting position of the head and of the
musculoskeletal pain, musculoskeletal deformities (scoliosis, cervical spine. The posture adopted by the individual in the
congenital bone malformation), craniomandibular orthopedic cephalometric evaluation of the right profile was the same
as required for the acquisition of the photographic record,
so that the natural position of the head was also reproduced.
Braz J Oral Sci. 11(3):416-421