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Original Article Braz J Oral Sci.
July | September 2012 - Volume 11, Number 3
Craniocervical posture: cephalometric and
biophotogrammetric analysis
Priscila Weber1, Eliane Castilhos Rodrigues Corrêa2, Jovana M. Milanesi1,
Juliana Corrêa Soares1, Maria Elaine Trevisan3
1Physical therapist, Msc in Human Communication Disorders, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, RS, Brazil
2Professor, Program of Human Communication Disorders, Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, RS, Brazil
3Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, RS, Brazil
Aim: To investigate the correlation between the craniocervical posture measurements obtained
by the biophotogrammetric and cephalometric analysis. Methods: 80 women aged between 19
and 35 years were evaluated by the cephalometric and biophotogrammetric methods. The
cephalometric variables were: CVA (position of flexion/extension of the head) CPL (forward head
posture) CVT/EVT ratio (cervical column curvature). For the biophotogrammetric analysis,
photography were analyzed in right profile being two angles related to the head forward posture
(A1 and A2) and one related to flexion-extension head position (FE). It was also measured the
curvature of the cervical spine by the cervical distance. The correlation between the craniocervical
posture variables, as measured by the two methods of assessment, was analyzed by the Pearson’s
correlation with a significance level of 5%. Results: It was observed a moderate and significant
agreement (p=0.00) between the postural craniocervical variables that analyzed the flexion-
extension head position (FE and CVA) and the forward head (CPL and A1). The evaluation of the
cervical curvature by the DC measure showed no correlation with the cephalometric variable
CVT/EVT. Conclusions: The biophotogrammetric analysis can be preferably chosen for assessing
the head posture. However, the cephalometric analysis appears to be the most indicated for the
cervical curvature measurement, since it enables a more objective view of the bone structures
without the influence of the soft tissues.
Keywords: evaluation, posture, cephalometry, photogrammetry.
Received for publication: June 25, 2012 The applicability and the methods of craniocervical postural analysis have
Accepted: September 18, 2012 been investigated in the literature in a multidisciplinary way, basically by experts
in the field of Physical Therapy, Dentistry and Speech Therapy. There are several
Correspondence to: procedures that serve as an aid to craniocervical postural analysis, being three of
Priscila Weber them considered more populars1.
Avenida Presidente Vargas 1855/1101, Centro The classic method is based on visual analysis, using qualitative observations
CEP: 97015-513, Santa Maria, RS – Brasil of postural asymmetries, having as a reference pattern the model proposed by
Phone: +55 19 99678173 Kendall2 (1995). Regardless of the examiner’s experience, this type of measure is
E-mail: considered of less credibility in relation to quantitative measures3.
Braz J Oral Sci. 11(3):416-421 The second proposed method, the biophotogrammetry, stands out because it
represents a simple, noninvasive and low-cost method. It consists in the analysis
of angles and linear measurements of points marked on the skin in some of the